Mark Jeffery

overview Overview

The Human Computer

Cover of the book The Human Computer by Mark Jeffery

Losing The Plot

Cover of the Dutch edition of the book Losing The Plot by Mark Jeffery


A selection of books about Antarctica, empire, isolation, weather and climate

Don't Sell Your Coat by Harold Ambler

Don't Sell Your Coat

by Harold Ambler

Don't worry about global warming, it's global cooling that's truly scary

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire by Lawrence James

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire

by Lawrence James

Broad history of the British Empire, a past that still shapes such institutions as the British Antarctic Survey

The Seige of Krishnapur by J. G. Farrell

The Seige of Krishnapur

by J. G. Farrell

Portents of the collapse of the British Empire in the so-called Indian Mutiny

The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjørn Lomborg

The Skeptical Environmentalist

by Bjørn Lomborg

Required reading for anyone who wants to join the debate on environmental issues

Out Of Your Mind

Easter Island statue representing Out Of Your Mind by Mark Jeffery

About The Author

Mark Jeffery